Friday 26th February was a date marked in my calendar for some time already.
Monkey Garden, a shop whose very essence is fashion, and as I like, not just clothing, but music, painting, etc, all under one roof, was celebrating the start of a new art exhibition .
Yes, the concept is simpler than what you think, but, you need the guts to try it and as in this case, be successful in doing it. So, long live the Monkey!
El viernes 26 de Febrero era una fecha marcada desde hace tiempo en mi calendario. Monkey Garden, una tienda cuya esencia es la moda, tanto en forma de ropa, como de música en directo o pintura, celebraba el comienzo de una nueva exposición, y yo no podía perdérmelo.
Si, el concepto es simple, pero necesitas tener el valor para hacerlo y ser lo suficiente bueno como para que te salga bien, ellos lo han conseguido, asi que, “Larga vida al Monkey.
So here we are:
- Beautiful multibrand streatwear clothing, by
- Great live music by DJ Mushikko a master with the vinyl, mixing and scratching, (first price in the MTV awards of 2007, yes, you read right), and one of those few down to earth artists so difficult to find.
- Great paintings, by Italian artist Andrea Pancaldi, whose modernist paintings show emotion and inspiration in all different aspects of life.
Y ahí estábamos:
- Ropa increíble de las mejores marcas, por Monkey Garden.
- Buena música en directo con DJ Mushikko a los platos, un experto con el scratching primer premio MTV en el año 2007, si, como lo oís, y encima de aquellos pocos artistas que no se les ha subido la fama a la cabeza.
- Y por último grandes pinturas, por el artista italiano Andrea Pancaldi, quien con su estilo modernista y evocador enseñaba emoción y mucha inspiración proveniente de diferentes aspectos de la vida.
So I hope next time, you come alone too. So make yourself facebook friend of this shop and they will invite you and send you the “secret password” for the next opening.
Así que espero, que la próxima vez os apuntéis. Haceros amigos de esta tienda en “facebook” y os enviaran la contraseña secreta para poder entrar en la próxima exposición.
2 views of the same thing?, One more thing a love about the shop is the close relation between the most natural elements, as wood, with less natural elements as brick. It gives the room more personality.
Different rooms with different aspects, with different elements, light, shade, wood, brick, iron, and people, all mix together but each one with its own personal function.
Sergio, one of the guys in charge of the shop, showing what he use to get paid, :)
DJ Mushikko posing for the camera!
The two artists together, DJ Mushikko and Andrea.