Sunday, 29 August 2010


Well, well,

after the final push I received from a few friends…

I am doing an outfit post.

As I follow a lot of blogs with outfits everyday

and I comment pointing out things I don’t like

I try not to do those mistakes here.

Sorry for the quality of the pictures, first time, myself.. you know..

but enough to make the post.

Well, this first outfit is very classic,

(and I use it for work)

but it has a few twists,

believe me


it has a few twist

First, the chino trousers are skinny,

So you can’t compare them with those regular cut you got by Dockers.

And second, I am wearing them rolled up

Those are twists, ^^

DSC_0044co.jpg picture by paulotroco

Here you can see the shirt in detail

Yes, there are stripes

camisa.png picture by paulotroco

DSC_0036cop2.jpg picture by paulotroco

I am wearing a white and light burgundy thin striped shirt from Uniqlo a Japanese brand that may be soon available in Spain.

A belt from El caballo , a Spanish brand that I like a lot.

The Donk chino in light blue from Dr denim, my favorite Swedish brand.

Shoes are from Fluchos, another Spanish brand whose shoes are real comfort to my feet, :)

(so I used them for work)


I always say we should invest in clothing,

and it is important to know what brands can give you a lot for less,

I mean

A lot of quality for not too much money

A lot of trend clothing for not too much money

I find that very important.

The shirt I am wearing is about 15 euros

The belt about 30 euros

The chinos about 45 euros

The shoes, I don’t remember, :S

So, the total outfit would be

Like 100 euros so so..

What do you think?

Too expensive?


Bueno, ahora hay que esperar las reacciones, jejeje