After the good taste left by the Cibeles Fashion Week Madrid, we thought the “fashion rush” was finished, and people could have the time to think about all that happened during that week, but, “
So how this work:
1. A city:
2. A hotel: Petit Palace Art Gallery, c/ Jorge Juan 17
3. 36 Rooms.
4. 36 Designers.
The result:
A building full of talent!
And the best thing, there was not just clothing involve, there was music, paintings, and accessories in all their forms.
Let me show those I like the most:
Sonsoles (Sonso) is from “

Sonsoles was one of the most positive persons you could find in the building (chicos, me teneis que pasar la foto que os saqué de los dos, que si no Pablo no sale)
Sara has ideas, a lot of good ideas, and transforms them in keyrings, headdresses most girl would kill to have, and necklaces so original you couldn’t believe there were possible.
Pablo was also there to help and really nice to talk to
I want to thank both of them for all their support; it was great to find people so friendly and professional at the same time. Thanks guys.
Soraya Pla Centeno
Soraya (and Hugo) had one of the best decorations of the whole building, they transformed a hotel room in a parisian garden, with the fountain included, and showed accesoriess at their best, insipired mainly in the refined old French bourgeoisie, we could see elegant neckales, frames, headdresses and more beautiful things to buy or admire.
The couple pose for the camera, thank you guys!
And there was also clothing involve, of course, handmade one, because it was totally made in crochet, yes, by her, I am not kidding, amazing work where Adriana, who came all the way from Venezuela, gave volume and shape to crochet and got things as spectacular as this dress, just a wearable piece of art.
One of the pieces outside the room
And one with model included
Music was involved thanks to Nando Prado

The spicy touch was brought by Beatriz Gomariz and her brand
“De puta a puta taconazo”
I must say I did not really like her style, it did not transmitted much to me personally, but, some people seems to like it, or feel attracted in some way, so, who am I to judge it?
que buena seleccion has hecho!!! las dos primeras, mis preferidas! besos
no pude irrr, soy lo peorrrr
valla chulada!!!donde a sido todo eso??
Erea, muchas gracias. A mi me pasa igual, y sobre porqué fueron los más simpaticos y humildes.
Luzhilda, que petarda.. bueno, la proxima vez será.
Cuatrojos: muchas gracias, aunque me duele llamarte así viendo lo guapa que eres. Muchas gracias por seguir el blog, le he estado hechando un vistazo al tuyo y está genial, asi que de ahora en adelante tendrás más de un comentario mio.
Un beso a todas.
yo tmb estuve!!! :)
me gusto mucho, fue la primera vez que iba a algo asi y me sorprendio ^-^
Ais, a ver si me lo dan lo del erasmus porque quiero huir ya de aqui jeje
gracias por tu visita!!
un besote!
Yo estuve y me gusto mucho a ver cuando vuelven a hacerlo!
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