There is no beach in Madrid
(I noticed ¬¬)
but I am not from here, so.. whatever,
I am busy with many projects I want to shared with you the moment they become real,
some of them I do shared them with you through here or through the "monkey garden" blog, others,
I have them in developing process or they are just in my head in order to come out when the time is right or when the right person takes me from the hand and tells me
"Pablo, let's do it",
and I don´t mean sex, ¬¬
This are different inspiring pictures from internet,
Some day I am sure I will be the one making pictures like this
And even beter, :P
Natasha Poly by Mario Sorrenti in Plage Privée

the first two are in my opinion

the first two are in my opinion

I hate she is wearing trainers on this one..
how much I hate this kind of product placement
how much I hate this kind of product placement

Mario Testino on his book: MARIO DE JANEIRO TESTINO
This kind of body is ugly and almost unnatural..
Dink Frank miami photographer
Heather Marks starred in Enrique Badulescu's editorial this month (from wildfox)
in 2009!
As always,
a million times thank you for the comments
each one is a kiss in my cheek
another push in my back
and another mouthful of fresh air
Me encanta la editorial de VELVET...un photoshoot playero bastente edgy y poco convencional...LIKE IT! :)
que viva la Polly pero que mueran sus playeras bleeeh
me encantan las ultimas en la playa!
un besoteee!
Qué carina tiene Heather...
Qué majica veo yo a Natasha con las bambas (siempre me gustó ese modelo)... tan Allen en unas, tan "guau" en la 2 la 4.
This is a fantastic inspiration, LOVE ALL AND EACH SHOT!
Lets do it and I don´t mean sex!!!
jajajajajaaj xD
¿Cuála es ésa web de fotografía a la que linkea tu firma? O ha sido un lapsus?
Me encantan las fotos en el agua, de todas estas quizás las que más me han gustado. MUA!!
Que fotazas!
me han encantado las de la chica dentro del agua, impresionantes!
estoy con susi, las de dentro del agua son impresionantessss
estoy con clara y susi =)
So fantastic I like it very much especially the green dress check this also fake handbag. I bought some of my handbags on the web.
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