I just see blogs full of emptiness,
blogs sold to magazines,
to cosmetics,
to fashion houses,
to other bloggers
to celebrities
to themselves
Most blogs I really care for have just pictures,
or just words,
in general,
just thoughts,
just heart,
just love

this good blogs I follow
remind me why,
even if I could be boring for some people,
or not so easy to read or understand as I wish I could
I am right, in my approach to fashion (in general not in particular)
I work for fashion, for real fashion, for the fashion where buying the right stuff makes the different between gaining money and survive,
or losing money and see yourself in the street
that is one of the most scary things you can experience
but also one of the most exciting and rewarding.
when I see I am being fooled by people with no real talent or good heart,
I get very frustrated.
I want to believe my work is approachable to any person interested in beauty, as me.
I want to believe not anyone can do what I do,
anyone, can enjoy my work and participate to make it different.

A very special person recommend me to do a post about
Barcelona, the city
and then another about "the brandery", the fashion trade show.
As you already know, I love stories
I love to invent fictional or not so fictional stories with my pictures
to explain things in a different way
So welcome to:
The metro, the subway, the tube,
everyone on that train looks at you
like trying to figure out where you are going,
is he on vacation?
is he on a business trip?

And finally, you are ready to get in the plane,

you start to check out the people you are going to share a tiny space with
big guys, small guys, children, an interesting lady,
is she looking at me?
am I looking at her?
can't tell, really
but I keep crossing looks
when I am about to get in a plane this film, always come to my mind:

There are things you wonder if they are possible
or just the result of a creative mind (or sick mind)
watch the film, you will see what I mean.

Now you see the small box with winds you are about to get in
Is that a small hole in the back?
Is that a broken part in the fuselage?
who was crazy enough to invent this human bird?
we don´t think about it that much,
you just want to get in and sit down
you hate queueing
(most people do)
And there you are,
in front of you
too close to miss it
two important phrases (they say)

Of course, how can I forget in case of a plane crush my "life vest is under the seat"?
so helpful, the survivors in LOST used it, to fish?
If we have a LOST experience,
who would I be?
the afraid type?
the hero type?
I fast turn to read the other phrase

yes, that's going to help me too
(more LOST images pass my mind)
you feel better when you see the plane made it to the sky
and the wing is not falling off

After an hour trying to get out the plane and the airport,
you manage to get a bust to the city
all you want is a room,
a shower
and a cold drink
When you get to the hotel,
you face reality again
they tell you the agency didn't do the reservation
yes, don't use "Atrapalo"
and the result is:
no fridge (no cold drink)
no shower (in your room)
and no way for you to protest
is Sunday (in Spain)
Well, after an hour discussion you get to the bedroom
yes, a room with a bed,
that's it,
now you know why they are called after that.
Anyway, is sunny outside and is
camera time!!!
Give me a B

Give me an A!

Give me an R

Give me a... C

Give me a....
Give me all!!!!
I like to wonder around and inside cathedrals
If you have studied about medieval times
or you did read
The Pillars of the Earth
by Ken Follett
you will know most things about that time happen inside a cathedral or around it
I like to touch their walls, feel the cold, see the ornaments

Love these colours

A combination between man and goat? horse?

The other thing I find amazing is when you wonder around a city
with no map
and you find
amazing hidden places,
plazas, inside patios,
beautiful façades
terraces with a special light

This kind of patter is common in the city of Segovia
I just see blogs full of emptiness,
blogs sold to magazines,
to cosmetics,
to fashion houses,
to other bloggers
to celebrities
to themselves
Most blogs I really care for have just pictures,
or just words,
in general,
just thoughts,
just heart,
just love
this good blogs I follow
remind me why,
even if I could be boring for some people,
or not so easy to read or understand as I wish I could
I am right, in my approach to fashion (in general not in particular)
I work for fashion, for real fashion, for the fashion where buying the right stuff makes the different between gaining money and survive,
or losing money and see yourself in the street
that is one of the most scary things you can experience
but also one of the most exciting and rewarding.
when I see I am being fooled by people with no real talent or good heart,
I get very frustrated.
I want to believe my work is approachable to any person interested in beauty, as me.
I want to believe not anyone can do what I do,
anyone, can enjoy my work and participate to make it different.
A very special person recommend me to do a post about
Barcelona, the city
and then another about "the brandery", the fashion trade show.
As you already know, I love stories
I love to invent fictional or not so fictional stories with my pictures
to explain things in a different way
So welcome to:
The metro, the subway, the tube,
everyone on that train looks at you
like trying to figure out where you are going,
is he on vacation?
is he on a business trip?
And finally, you are ready to get in the plane,
you start to check out the people you are going to share a tiny space with
big guys, small guys, children, an interesting lady,
is she looking at me?
am I looking at her?
can't tell, really
but I keep crossing looks
when I am about to get in a plane this film, always come to my mind:
There are things you wonder if they are possible
or just the result of a creative mind (or sick mind)
watch the film, you will see what I mean.
Now you see the small box with winds you are about to get in
Is that a small hole in the back?
Is that a broken part in the fuselage?
who was crazy enough to invent this human bird?
we don´t think about it that much,
you just want to get in and sit down
you hate queueing
(most people do)
And there you are,
in front of you
too close to miss it
two important phrases (they say)
Of course, how can I forget in case of a plane crush my "life vest is under the seat"?
so helpful, the survivors in LOST used it, to fish?
If we have a LOST experience,
who would I be?
the afraid type?
the hero type?
I fast turn to read the other phrase
yes, that's going to help me too
(more LOST images pass my mind)
you feel better when you see the plane made it to the sky
and the wing is not falling off
After an hour trying to get out the plane and the airport,
you manage to get a bust to the city
all you want is a room,
a shower
and a cold drink
When you get to the hotel,
you face reality again
they tell you the agency didn't do the reservation
yes, don't use "Atrapalo"
and the result is:
no fridge (no cold drink)
no shower (in your room)
and no way for you to protest
is Sunday (in Spain)
Well, after an hour discussion you get to the bedroom
yes, a room with a bed,
that's it,
now you know why they are called after that.
Anyway, is sunny outside and is
camera time!!!
Give me a B
Give me an A!
Give me an R
Give me a... C
Give me a....
Give me all!!!!
I like to wonder around and inside cathedrals
If you have studied about medieval times
or you did read
The Pillars of the Earth
by Ken Follett
you will know most things about that time happen inside a cathedral or around it
I like to touch their walls, feel the cold, see the ornaments
Love these colours
A combination between man and goat? horse?
The other thing I find amazing is when you wonder around a city
with no map
and you find
amazing hidden places,
plazas, inside patios,
beautiful façades
terraces with a special light
This kind of patter is common in the city of Segovia
Modern art in the streets
A lost street?
A lost plaza
The inside patio of the catalan's trippers centre (dunno why they have it)
An small art gallery with a guardian dog, :)
Bikes, and more bikes,
this is a common photo in Barcelona,
people use bikes a lot
I like anything on wood
so natural
so real
More nice and warm wood
Street art, of course
Empty streets or places with something special you can´t describe with words
Industrial beauty
And I couldn't do a post forgetting about the people
the people of this city
their visitors
their older
their children
The fire fighters,
very important people
A very special dog
2 or 3 generations
Let children be children
The funny couple
More than one hour of fun
thanks girls
And sometimes,
the loneliness of being old
Old rockers never die
they just go live to Barcelona
The youngsters and their crazy instruments
The old crew with their crazy games
"please, don't get mad"
Such an important phrase when you play among old friends
and of course,
Better here?
well, this is the picture I choose to say good bye
I just
like it. :)

Thanks for being with me through this life trip

I just
like it. :)
Thanks for being with me through this life trip
Guau!!!qué post tan largo y tan chulo!! me encanta!!hay algunas fotos geniales. Y es que Barcelona tiene algo especial. MUA
menuda visita a barcelona!
sobre todo me gusta porque es tuya, no la de una guia de viajes con las tipicas fotos!
queremos maaaas!!
un besazo!
Madre mía.
me encantan las fotos! son preciosas! espero que lo hayas pasado genial!
mil besos
Sin palabras.
Increibles fotos pablo.
me encanta el blog :) y bcn por supuesto haha, me pasare a menudo!! un saludo!!!
qué fotos pablo, qué buenas!
me alegro de que hayas disfrutado..que envidia con lo que me gusta amí barcelona..!
Fantásticas fotos!
¡¡¡gran reportaje fotográfico!!!
¡¡¡cómo me gusta barcelona!!!, qué envidia...
me ha hecho mucha gracia lo de Lost, a partir de ahora cada vez que viaje en avión voy a pensar en la maldita serie, y yo seguro que sería un extra, de estos que pasa de meterse en líos, yo me fabricaría un coctel de la nada y a disfrutar del momento...jajajajaja
y si, he subido las fotos con tinypic, un poco coñazo...pero por ahora no me da excesivos problemas...
Una cosa: sabes que te adoro, no? es decir, eres consciente de ello?
Pues después de esta obra maestra te adoro aún más! las palabras del principio... buaaaa, casi lloro, dios bendiga el signo solar de aries y todo lo que éste conlleva!
eres un jefe, vas a llegar lejos, ya sé que ultimamente te lo repito mucho, pero si fuera rica te financiaría cualquier proyecto
Preciosas las fotos, y te lo dice alguien que es de Barcelona y has sido capaz de sorprender :)
Genial el post!
Las fotos son una pasada y me encanta la forma con que lo has hecho!
que auténtico eres ^^
y guau!!algunas fotos me han dejado impactada de lo buenas que son, cmo la del charco =)
1 muuuá
Que buen reportaje!!!!:))))
espero que en la proxima visita y evento nos veamos!!!
great pictures. thank you for those wonderfull impressions!
pero que pedazo de reportaje impresionante!!! y las fotos geniales!!!
un besin
WOW! vaya imagenes...que gran vision de Bcn. Well done!
Me lo he leído todo, y me ha encantado. Es auténtico. :)
Espero que tengas muchísima suerte, de verdad.
Un besazo!
I adore Barcelona! Such gorgeous architecture. <3
-Dyanna Pure
Preciosa Barcelona!!!!!
It's hard to find a good blog these days :)
I love your header so much!!!
These pictures are beyond gorgeous!
Best wishes from one blogger to another,
Pedazo post, bonitas fotos.
me alegro que te haya gustdo Bcn:))
Tras volver a destripar el post, me reafirmo en las ganas que tengo del siguiente.
(Aver si repitiéndotelo, te animas a ello ¬¬)
De nuevo: guau, G.
Oh wow,amazing post!!!!!I really enjoyed it!
k pedazoo de post!!
mas k un post es una guia informativa de barcelonaa, me ha encantadoo!
yo voy dentro de nada, asi que cogere ideillas!!
gran blog!
besines desde
hola pablito, long time no see!
the other day you ask me to comment on your blog so here i go carino. just so you kno, wearing pants so tight that your little birdy cant breathe is not fashion, its homo. and u of all ppl should kno god hates homos. give your pussy pants a break cuz they yelling: pablo i dont fit u.
btw, it is scientifically proven that virgens cant give birth to jew babies.
hola pablito, long time no see!
the other day you ask me to comment on your blog so here i go carino. just so you kno, wearing pants so tight that your little birdy cant breathe is not fashion, its homo. and u of all ppl should kno god hates homos. give your pussy pants a break cuz they yelling: pablo i dont fit u.
btw, it is scientifically proven that virgens cant give birth to jew babies.
oh wow, these are really cool :D i love them!
omg you'd hire me? haha damn, i can't move to spain :D
i love fernando torres + iker casillas btw haha
Pedazo fotos que te gastas no??? :D
Y es verdad, muchos blogs parecen vendidos!
qe chulas tus fotos! me encanta bcn! :)
yo tb odio GH, bueno tele5 en general..
Lo primero e intentado leerme todo tu post, pero el ingles se me atraganta y he desistido, aunque sinceramente me viene de maravilla leerte que sin este idioma no voy a ninguna parte, voy a tener q hacerlo mas veces.....¿eres de Barna? es que tengo dudas sobre la ciudad, si es que si, me encantaria poder hacertelas.....
Fotos perfectas desde tu punto de vista, se ha notado en ellas personalidad, no habia visto nada igual......son geniales.....
Referente a mi rollo: tienes razon, esto se esta convirtiendo en un circo, yo tambien lo aprecio, desde hace unos meses para aqui, pero de todas formas, hay una mania constante de generalizar, y eso no esta bien...hay gente como yo,aunq sea una minoria que lo hace con amor(el mejor sentimiento que uno puede sentir) con ilusion, con ganas y labrandose un camino, aunque no sea el mejor lugar lugar para hacerlo,aunque eso no se debe juzgar, los lugares y las situaciones son asi, porque que veo que hace falta personalidad en este mundillo, pero eso se ira viendo con el tiempo, si es tonteria o realidad....
Me ha encantado tus palabras......gracias....
i wanna go to barcelona! :| i watched the fc barcelona vs sevilla game this morning haha, that's the closest i'll get to barca :D
i love these photos! so pretty
i like your banner...
wanna exchange link and follow me??
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