I think we all ask ourselves every now and then this question
to twitter or not to twitter?
why? because we are still not sure if is really important to tell the world (or those poor souls that follow us)
that we are about to go to the doctor, to boil an egg, or to plant a pine (Spanish meaning, :) )
Does people really care about all this (crap)?
well, I do sometimes write about staff I wont even tell myself..
usually, I use Twitter as a small diary or as a small flickr,
to remind me things I would love to see again when I have more time
or to postpone in time moments with my camera
This was my first "tweet"
yes, I won't lie to you, the first thing I did was feat my blog... :S
But in a few tweets i made better and upload this pic!
speechless? I was when I first saw it
Real inspiration was this pic for me
and thats what I wrote in my tweet
and this one
the 23th of July I tweeted:
"after 12 hours a day working around and about clothing I can definitly say I WORK IN FASHION!!!!!!!!"
I think I was right, :)
The same day I worte "like wine, Claudia Schiffer, the older she gets the better"
Don't you think so??
This video was amazing
I twetted it in july too
Or this video,
Stella McCartney Kids preview!
There was "of course" houses involve
"a house to remember"
wasn't I right?
Or this one:
the Sentosa House, in love, I am in love
Even afghanistan afghanistan in july 2010 had a place in my twitter
because the horror of war should never be forgotten
in summer I was already saying that this was coming back and some people could believe it
look us now
Music was also Twitted and I recomend this great session by my friend Marcos in Dub fron GOA Madrid
I also did some twits of pictures I took to clothes or people I thought they look different
the funniest hat on the best "pizzero" of Madrid
I love how simple but colourful she looked
Laura's crazy hair colour! :)
Or the coolest kid in Madrid
Mario Testino was also in my pictures
and a few I loved from his exhibition in Madrid
well, this and much more is what you can find in my Twitter,
I hope you like it, :)

ni se te ocurra dejar de tuitear, pedazo de cretino, eh???
Indeed...that is the question nowadays..
I recently found myself in the same dilemma... I decide to Twitter...!!!
Only i have barely done any twitts at all ;/ ...
Great pics!
A mi Claudia ni fu ni fa, la verdad...
Eso si, las fotos de Afganistán... buff.
PD: tuitea, tuitea, que te sobra el tiempo ;P
Great, great pictures. But for me Facebook, and reading blogs is time consuming enough, so I dont Twitter.
Yo twitearé a gusto cuando tenga un móvil en condiciones con tarifa plana.
Hasta entonces, sin más.
Por cierto...
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¡ ¡ ¡ F E L I Z N A V I D A D ! ! !
what amazing pics!
me ha impresionado tu post, la verdad. to twitter or not to twitter?? pues ni idea, porque yo no uso twitter, pero desde luego que el blog me ha gustado muchisimo. :)
hace tiempo yo también publiqué el video del niño del ukelele. y a dia de hoy, lo sigo viendo y me enternece tanto que me hace llorar y reir a la vez!!
puffff...pues yo a esto del twitter no le pillo el tranquillo, eso o es que no tengo nada interesante que contar..jajajaj
me alegro de que te molara la foto, yo pensaba que la había puesto en facebook pero debe ser que no...
y a mi hermana no la estamos corrompieeeeeeeeeeeendo, es una futura fotógrafa, a ella le gusta sacar fotos y a mi me gusta que me las hagan, es el tandem perfecto...jajajajajaja
hola!! Encantada de conocer tu blog, me ha encantado esta entrada! Yo tambien tengo twitter, y la verdad ultimamente un poco avandonado, aunque si sigo lo que hace la gente, a veces es cierto que me cuesta mas compartir info...pero la tuya estupenda! El niñito que canta me ha dejado loca!
Un besito
Gracias por pasarte por mi humilde rinconcito...me alegro que te haya gustado!! :)
A mi me encantan las imágenes que tienes aquí...prometo darme un garbeo para conocerlo mejor!
Me sigues y yo te sigo porque tienes uno de los blogs que más me están haciendo pensar ... y justo es lo que necesito ahora. Twitter? Sí, para informar; No,para contar cosas que no interesan ( como " plantar un pino") Enhorabuena y un beso!
I opened a twitter account but never use it...I feel like I am missing something with it!
Lovely pics, thanks for sharing
Hola! gracias por tu comentario! si la verdad es la foto que mejor ha salido, aún estamos aprendiendo a usar la nueva DSLR!!
Una entrada muy interesante, me han encantado las fotos!!
PD: plant a pine xDDDD jaja
gracias por pasarte por nuestro blog!!
oye, pues tu twitter promete ser muy interesante!!
yo no tengo, pero la verdad es que me fascina, he de reonocerlo, jeje!!
las imágenes que has sacado son geniales:)
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